Monifa Harris Monifa Harris


This blog is a where I’m telling the stories of how speaking our visions in the world allows us to ease the path between where the world is and where we are going.

The name I have for people that I call in for support and to guide is Bridges. They are people with extraordinary and varied talents that see innovative ways to move the world and to bring more love into the world. They do this through healing, transformation, and creative process.

I have been working on this for awhile now so I hope to integrate the videos, conversations, and projects that I am doing and have done to show you the ways in which we connect to ourselves and to others that are aligned and impactful.

When we are aligned and impactful many experience this as a feeling of confidence and I think of it as knowing and recognizing our true purpose. Purpose is not a static project, task, or career but a constantly moving vibration that we resonate even when we are doing nothing. A Signature Vibration that we can move and work from so our actions have greater impact.

I’m excited for this blog and hope that it will lead to more adventures including a book that will bring my vision to the wider world.

Hope you join me on this adventure!

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